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Success Rules / The Art of action and fear mastery Success Rules / The Art of action and fear mastery

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#1 International Bestselling Author and Speaker, Top Facilitator of growth mindset and success principles seminars. As a mental power leader, and unshakable optimist dedicated to helping you get out of your own way so you can become the person you most want to be. As a teacher of the English language, linguistics and literature in many years has Kaouther the skill and the right way to engage groups and participants in her workshops and seminars in a wonderful learning experience in a safe environment where they thrive and grow.


Internationally renowned author Kaouther Tayari Jebali has helped lots of people to overcome their worries, anxieties and booster their self-esteem, self-image and self-confidence.


Whatever your anxieties, this book will give you the insight and tools to vastly improve your ability to handle any anxious situation. You will learn to live your life the way you want- and move forward from a place of suffering, paralysis and depression to one of power, energy and achievement.


Empowering people through providing them with safe space for learning and growing has been Kaouther’s major life purpose in her teaching and training career that has started for 22 years ago. Kaouther is very keen on connecting with people with multicultural backgrounds for she herself is one of them.


Kaouther is settled in Sweden but work with people of different backgrounds worldwide offering online training programs on Success mindset, emotional intelligence and coaching leadership style for high performance. She is one of the most sought-after business success coaches & speakers in Sweden, Scandinavian countries and whole Europe.

Ready to take your quantum leap step towards a life of full joy and success, I am here to accompany you in this wonderful journey.

Kaouther Tayari Jebali

Success - Positive thought

#Success #Positive thought

Successful people eradicate all negative thoughts by thinking and acting positively, every day. In today’s society, negativity is everywhere – from murders reported by the news to advertisements that try to make us feel fat or ugly. But it’s not only the media being negative. Even the people closest to us often spew “you-can’t-make-it-so-don’t-even-try” propaganda – for example, your best friends might start criticizing your dream of becoming president of a company.
After a while, we get so used to negative thinking that it feels normal. Our negative thoughts work like mental monsters: the more we let them into our psyche, the stronger they become, until they completely overpower our positive thinking.
But the truth is that negative thinking isn’t normal or healthy. In fact, it’s one of the main things that keeps people from becoming successful. This is why people who say “it can’t be done” are almost always unsuccessful or average.
Clearly, then, it’s necessary to get rid of that negativity in order to achieve your dreams.
To do this, start thinking and acting positively every day. This will help you eradicate negativity by not giving it space to fester in your mind.
The best way you can do this is by writing yourself a pep talk that reads like an advertisement: a “sell-yourself-to-yourself” commercial in which you remind yourself of your best traits and of how they distinguish you from everyone else.
#Acting positively #best trait

Goals - mindset - self-belief

Everyone has goals throughout their lives. These range from small tasks, like cleaning out the garage before the weekend, to life-changing achievements, like saving $20,000 in ten years.
When you are ready to start working toward your goals, you may wonder. How do I even begin?
The best approach to overcoming this daunting question is to start by believing in yourself. This means honing a mindset in which you feel 100 percent capable of doing anything you set your mind to.
This works because once you start truly believing you can accomplish something, the mind releases creative power – the mental focus necessary for finding ways to accomplish your goals.
The more you believe in yourself, the more creative power is released. This means even the most challenging goals, like becoming vice president of your company, become feasible as long as your level of belief matches the task’s difficulty.
Believing in yourself also creates another great advantage: other people start believing in you too.
#thinking #creative power

Goals mindset self-belief

Take 100% responsibility

for your life is fundamental to creating a successful life.
“You are creating your experiences, your success, the quality of your relationships, and your health by your thoughts and beliefs (beliefs are no more than thoughts you have conditioned yourself to think over and over), the visual images you focus on (internally and externally), the resulting emotions they create, and your actions…and you have total control over all three of these. “Personal responsibility is the key attitude for personal empowerment. It is to your full advantage to assume full responsibility for the circumstances of your life as well as your reactions to these circumstances.
“Therefore, without self-judgment or self-blame, you can focus your attention on understanding yourself and your range of choices that may be possible in any given circumstance. With this awareness you can make educated, intentional choices.
“When your choices don’t result in you getting things the way you thought you wanted them, you can look to understand what happened and what action you can take next, rather than looking for someone or some circumstance to blame.
“There is a simple formula that can help you understand and embrace 100% responsibility:
E + R = O Event + Response = Outcome
“Every outcome you experience in life is a result of how you’ve responded to an earlier event or events in your life.
#100 Responsibility #No blame #Event #Response #outcome

Take 100% responsibility

The power of quality envirnment

#Quality# Environment#Success#
 Successful people ensure that their environment is of the highest quality.
You’re probably familiar with the phrase “you are what you eat,” which implies you should follow a healthy diet if you wish to have a healthy body. That same idea applies to your mentality: the way you think is influenced by what you see and hear. Your living space, your friends, what you read – all of these act as “mind food” and are instrumental in influencing your thought processes.
For example, prolonged association with people who gossip will make you more likely to gossip. Conversely, prolonged association with people who only speak positively of others will cause you to do the same.
Make no mistake: you are affected by the company you keep.
Therefore, in order to become successful, do what successful people do: create a high-quality environment for yourself. Do this by making sure that your home, study area, work area, social circle and leisure time are all of the highest quality, meaning that they encourage you to grow as a person.
One way you can do this is by surrounding yourself with other successful people and studying them. When you have questions or are searching for advice, be sure to ask only those who are successful and are where you want to be in life. After all, the highest quality professionals always give the highest quality advice.
Also, be sure to surround yourself with the highest quality of friends – those who not only have their own ambitions but also believe in your ambitions and believe you’re capable of achieving them. Having this support system behind you will keep you motivated along the long, sometimes daunting, path to success.
In the end, if you want to be successful and accomplish your dreams, make sure you’re living in an environment that supports these goals.

#Support system#Goals# success#

The power of quality envirnment

Embrace your Anxiety and live happily

You have the power to make choices, but having anxiety is not one of them. Anxiety just happens. It’s not a choice. Nobody chooses to be anxious or afraid. But you certainly can choose a new approach to your anxiety to get a different outcome in your life. you can control and change how you respond to your anxiety-related feelings, thoughts, and worries:
-You can stop trying to cope with worries, anxieties, and fears (if coping and other management strategies have not worked in a lasting way).
-You can learn to leave worries, anxieties, and fears alone and simply experience them as thoughts, sensations, feelings, or painful memories.
-You don’t have to act on your anxiety, and it doesn’t need to drive what you do. As much as you feel like running from intense anxiety, you can learn to act differently.
-You can learn to watch anxious feelings and worrisome thoughts and not do what they tell you to do.
-You can learn to nurture a kinder and friendlier relationship with yourself and your emotional life instead of reacting to anxiety as an enemy or unwelcome guest.
-You can learn to move with your anxious discomfort and do something that’s potentially vital in your life.
We know from research and clinical experience that the solution to anxiety, worry, and fear isn’t more struggle. It’s not about trying to get rid of them. It’s also not about replacing negative with positive thoughts like you might do when swapping out a worn-out spark plug in your car. None of this really works with anxiety and fear. And yet, many people do struggle. You probably
do too. the solution to your anxiety problems is not to fight “better or harder.” The solution is to change your relationship with, and
your response to, your anxious thoughts and feelings. You can choose to stop fighting. To get there, you’ll need to learn how
to acknowledge anxious thoughts and feelings without “becoming” them, acting on them, and doing what they say.

Embrace your Anxiety and live happily

Introduction of my book

I would like to introduce my newly published book on the theme of educational psychology entilited Anxiety risk taking and classroom sociability in foreign language learning context.

Anxiety has been studied by many researchers. My study aims at investigating the topic of the effect of foreign language anxiety on the performance of language learners in the Tunisian setting. Respondents’ global final course grades and their speaking test scores were chosen as the dependent variables and six different anxiety instruments were used as the independent variables. Language class risk taking, language class sociability, and students’ attitudes were correlated with anxiety measures to see its impact on FL learners’ performance. Data was also collected by means of a questionnaire. The results showed a strong correlation between the student speaking test scores and their anxiety scores. Additionally, the analyses suggested that the factor related to risk taking and class sociability in speaking English tend to be significantly affected by their level of anxiety. Analysis of research data has shown that risk taking in speaking English, low anxiety levels played an important role in classroom performances of the English language. The pedagogical suggestions reached focus mainly on the emotional needs of the learners and ways to minimize their anxiety. Some suggestions include being sensitive to learners’ anxiety, fostering their risk-taking level, their positive self-image, and a high level of self-confidence. Thus, the present study highlights the significance of emotional factors in FL learning in an educational setting and can be applicable to a wide range of students learning contexts worldwide.

You can buy my book on Amazon. Follow the link below:


Anxiety - Avoidance - escape

Nobody wants to be a prisoner of anxiety now and forevermore. Yet this is what you can become so long as anxiety is met with negative energy. That #negative energy is packaged in the form of active resistance, denial, struggle, suppression, avoidance, and escape.
And as you learn how to meet your anxiety with a kinder and gentler response, you’ll find that the things you spend your time doing will change. New possibilities will emerge. You’ll learn how to live out your dreams. You can have that without first having to win the war with your anxiety monsters.
These ideas are not fluff. They’re backed by a growing research base showing that anxiety management and control feeds anxiety and fear, shrinks lives, and promotes suffering.
#Acceptance# kind response# anxiety# change # new possibilities.

Anxiety Avoidance escape


Go ahead and get in a comfortable position in your chair. Sit upright with your feet flat on the floor, your arms and legs uncrossed, and your hands resting in your lap. Allow your eyes to close gently. Take a couple of gentle
breaths—in … and out … in … and out. Notice the sound and feel of your own breath as you breathe in …and out …Now turn your attention to being just where you are. Notice any sounds that you may hear close to you
and then farther away. Notice how you’re sitting in your chair and feel the place where your body touches the chair. What are the sensations there? How does it feel to sit where you sit?
Next, notice the places where your body touches itself, and bring your awareness to the spot where your hands touch your lap or legs. And now, imagine your awareness pouring down over your hips to where your
feet touch the floor. How do your feet feel in the position that they are in? Notice too that your feet are firmly grounded to the floor and earth beneath you. Now gently expand your awareness and just notice sensations in the rest of your body. If you feel any sensations in your body, just notice them and acknowledge their presence. Also notice how they may, by
themselves, change or shift from moment to moment. Do not try to change them. Now let yourself come back to being just where you are, here with this exercice. See if you can feel the investment of yourself here, right now. What are you here for? If you’re thinking this sounds strange, just notice
that and come back to the sense of integrity here. Be aware of the value that you are serving by being here.
And, see if you can allow yourself to be present with what you are afraid of. Notice any doubts, reservations, fears, and worries. See if you can just notice them, acknowledge their presence, make some space for them, and allow them to be there. You don’t need to make them go away or work on them. With each breath, imagine that you are creating more and more space for them, more space for you to be you, right here where you are. Now see if for just a moment you can be present with your values and commitments. Why
are you here, reading this text? Where do you want to go? What do you want to do with your life?
Then, when you’re ready, let go of those thoughts and gradually widen your attention to take in the sounds around you, and slowly open your eyes with the intention to bring this awareness to the present moment and to every day in your life.


Let’s take a moment to reflect on your experience with the Simple Centering exercise. What’s important here is that you begin to notice your experience and what it teaches you. This will give you a sense of where you are as you begin your journey. So, let’s start there.
What showed up for you as you considered your intentions and why you are here, doing this exercice now to make changes in your life?
What sensations, if any, were you able to notice in your body?
List any thoughts that showed up that seemed to pull you out of the exercise (e.g., I can’t concentrate; this is boring, I’m not doing
this right). Be specific.
Were you attached to any particular result by doing the practice—like feeling more relaxed, calm, or at peace? If so, note this below.
I encourage you to practice this Simple Centering exercise daily. Find a time and place that’s right for you. It will help you create the space you need to show up to your life and do what you care about.


Success - Relationship - Career

The importance of relationships for your success.
Have ever heard the phrase that “no one is an island”?
Have you ever had a co-worker be mean to you for no reason? Naturally, your first reaction would be to brand them as angry, or maybe even crazy.
What you have lost sight of, though, is that they’re just like you – and chances are they’re only reacting against you because they’re being affected by something else going on in their lives.
Knowing this, you should still treat them as you’d wish to be treated yourself: like an important individual. If you treat everyone you know and encounter like they’re important, you’ll notice they will stop being mean to you and will start thinking of you and treating you the same way.
This also means that these people will most likely be by your side as you’re trying to make your way to the top. And their support, you’ll find, is crucial for your own success.
Why? Because it’s rare for a single person to “pull themselves up” to a higher level job or position of success with no help. More commonly, you’ll be “lifted” by your equals and subordinates – the people around you.
Which makes it no surprise, then, that successful people are committed to nurturing relationships with the people around them.
So remember, at the end of the day, no one ever becomes a success on their own. This is why you should treat each encounter with another person like it’s the one that makes or breaks your career.

#Career #success #relationship

Success Relationship Career

Inner game - Money Blueprint

 Just as there are “outer” laws of money, there must be “inner” laws. The outer laws include things like business knowledge, money management, and investment strategies. These are essential. But the inner game is just as important. An analogy would be a carpenter and his tools. Having top-of-the-line tools is imperative, but being the topnotch carpenter who masterfully uses those tools is even more critical. There is a saying: “It’s not enough to be in the right place at the right time. You have to be the right person in the right place at the right time.” So who are you? How do you think? What are your beliefs? What are your habits and traits? How do you really feel about yourself ? How confident are you in yourself ? How well do you relate to others? How much do you trust others? Do you truly feel that you deserve wealth? What is your ability to act in spite of fear, in spite of worry, in spite of inconvenience, in spite of discomfort? Can you act when you’re not in the mood?
The fact is that your character, your thinking, and your beliefs are a critical part of what determines the level of your success. Author Stuart Wilde puts it this way: “The key to success is to raise your own energy; when you do, people will naturally be attracted to you. And when they show up, bill ’em!”

#Money mindset #inner game

Inner game Money Blueprint

Achievement of success

My teaching will  provide you with the missing link between your desire for success  and your achievement of success. As you’ve probably found out by now, those are two different worlds. No doubt you’ve read o books, listened to tapes or CDs, gone to courses, and learned about numerous get-rich systems be they in real estate, stocks, or business. But what happened? For most people, not much! They get a short blast of energy, and then it’s back to the status quo. Finally, there’s an answer. It’s simple, it’s law, and you’re not going to circumvent it. It all comes down to this: if your subconscious “financial blueprint” is not “set” for success, nothing you learn, nothing you know, and nothing you do will make much of a difference. In my coaching program, we will demystify for you why some people are destined to be rich and others are destined for a life of struggle. You will understand the root causes of success, mediocrity, or financial failure and begin changing your financial future for the better. You will understand how childhood influences shape our financial blueprint and how these influences can lead to self-defeating thoughts and habits. You will experience powerful declarations that will help you replace your non-supportive ways of thinking with mental “wealth files” so that you think—and succeed—just as rich people do. You will also learn practical, step-by-step strategies for increasing your income and building wealth.

achievement of success

How do rich people think?

To become successful study success and learn on successful people, To become rich study  how rich people  think. I learned everything I could about the inner workings of the mind, but concentrated primarily on the psychology of money and success. I discovered that it was true: rich people really do think differently from poor and even middle-class people. Eventually, I became aware of how my own thoughts were holding me back from wealth. More important, I learned several powerful techniques and strategies to actually recondition my mind so that I would think in the same ways rich people do.


I began using what I’d learned by modeling rich people, both in terms of their business strategies and their thinking strategies. The first thing I did was commit to my success and playing to win. I swore I would focus and not even consider leaving this business until I was a millionaire or more. this was radically different from my previous efforts, where, because I always thought short-term, I would  constantly get sidetracked by either good opportunities or when things got tough.


I also began challenging my mental approach whenever I began thinking in financially negative or counterproductive ways. In the past, I believed that what my mind said was truth. I learned that in many ways, my mind was my biggest obstacle to success. I chose not to entertain thoughts that did not empower me toward my vision of wealth. I used every one of the principles you are going to learn in this book. Did it work? Boy, did it work!

How do rich people think

Money inner game

#Money #Results #Formula #Thoughts #Feeling #Action
I want to introduce you to an extremely important formula. It determines how you create your reality and wealth. Many of the most respected teachers in the field of human potential have used this formula as a foundation for their teachings. Called the Process of Manifestation, it goes like this:
T ( thoughts)→F ( feelings)→A ( actions) = R ( result. This formula works this way: Thoughts lead to feelings. Feelings lead to actions. Actions lead to results. Your financial blueprint consists of a combination of your thoughts, feelings, and actions in the arena of money. So how is your money blueprint formed? The answer is simple. Your financial blueprint consists primarily of the information or “programming” you received in the past, and especially as a young child. Who were the primary sources of this programming or conditioning? For most people, the list includes parents, friends, authority figures, teachers, religious leaders, media, and your culture, to name a few. Let’s take culture. Isn’t it true that certain cultures have one way of thinking and dealing with money, while other cultures have a different approach? Do you think a child comes out of the womb with his or her attitudes toward money, or do you believe the child is taught how to deal with money? That’s right. Every child is taught how to think about and act in relation to money. The same holds true for you, for me, for everyone. You were taught how to think and act when it comes to money. These teachings become your conditioning, which becomes automatic responses that run you for the rest of your life. Unless, of course, you intercede and revise your mind’s money files and guess what you can do that. You can recondition your mind to create a new money blueprint that serves you and allow you to achieve huge financial success. Begin now and you will achieve miracles.

Good luck 😍
#Financial success #money mindset

#Money inner game

Power of thoughts

To become successful study success and learn on successful people, To become rich study  how rich people  think. I learned everything I could about the inner workings of the mind, but concentrated primarily on the psychology of money and success. I discovered that it was true: rich people really do think differently from poor and even middle-class people. Eventually, I became aware of how my own thoughts were holding me back from wealth. More important, I learned several powerful techniques and strategies to actually recondition my mind so that I would think in the same ways rich people do.


I began using what I’d learned by modeling rich people, both in terms of their business strategies and their thinking strategies. The first thing I did was commit to my success and playing to win. I swore I would focus and not even consider leaving this business until I was a millionaire or more. this was radically different from my previous efforts, where, because I always thought short-term, I would  constantly get sidetracked by either good opportunities or when things got tough.


I also began challenging my mental approach whenever I began thinking in financially negative or counterproductive ways. In the past, I believed that what my mind said was truth. I learned that in many ways, my mind was my biggest obstacle to success. I chose not to entertain thoughts that did not empower me toward my vision of wealth. I used every one of the principles you are going to learn in this book. Did it work? Boy, did it work!

Power of thoughts

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